Ministry Accreditation Renewal

  • Ministry Accreditation is an initiative to help create public confidence in the character, calling and competence of Churches of Christ ministers and chaplains. It is also a means by which the Association can serve elders/boards in the appointment, accountability and support of ministry and chaplaincy staff. Ministry Accreditation is renewable every three years. It is important that your accreditation with COCWA remains valid and up to date, particularly if you are a registered celebrant. Please complete all components of this form so we can process your renewal.
  • Active Ministry

  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
  • Security Clearance

  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
    Please upload a signed and true copy of the document; the original needs to be sighted by the Senior Minister or Chairman. The date of issue must be no more than six months old.
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
    Please upload a photocopy of your current WWCC
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
    Please upload a copy of your Mandatory Reporting Training Certificate. This must be renewed every 3 years along with your Accreditation Renewal. The training can be accessed here.
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.
    Please upload a jpeg portrait photo of yourself here
  • Please provide your OPG summary for the past 3 years. We encourage Ministers/Chaplains to maintain a lifelong commitment to learning and growth. The purpose of OPG is to encourage a high standard in character and ministry competence. The OPG process is intended to encourage Ministers/Chaplains to take opportunities to be emotionally refreshed, mentally stretched, spiritually renewed and re-equipped.
  • Applicant's Declaration and Signature

    Please read the following carefully before signing:
    As a Minister/Chaplain as understood within the Professional and Ethical Standards of Ministry Applicable to Ministers of Churches of Christ and the related Procedure for Investigating Complaints of Serious Misconduct, do accept and agree to be bound by these documents. In the event that a complaint is laid against me, I give consent to the procedure outlined in the documents being followed and agree that I will cooperate with any investigation by the Ministry Ethics Group that is set up in accordance with said procedure, and that I will attend and take part in any rehabilitation process recommended. I understand that disciplinary measures and legal steps will be taken by the church if I am found to be in breach of the Code of Conduct. This will include reporting to the relevant authorities. I have never been disqualified or dis-endorsed as a leader and I have not done anything likely to reflect adversely on my character or whether I am a fit and proper person. I am not aware of any matter or circumstance that might affect my suitability to be appointed as a leader. I consent to [Church Name] and/or Churches of Christ in Western Australia Inc. making inquiries of, and exchanging information with, other internal and external organisations as to whether any matter in respect of alleged misconduct relates to me. I declare that, to the best of my knowledge all information submitted by me in this statement is true. I understand that any significant inaccuracies in, or omission from, this documentation may be cause for my not being accredited as a Minister/Chaplain in Churches of Christ.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY