Ordination of Ministers
Many Churches of Christ Ministers and Chaplains throughout Australia recognise Ordination as an affirmation by
the broader church of their gifts and call for vocational Christian ministry. The National Council of Churches of
Christ in Australia (CCCA) oversees Ordination Policy and delegates to each State Conference the responsibility for
nominating Candidates for Ordination.
Principles and Standards
The National Council of Churches of Christ in Australia has delegated the granting of Ordination to the COCWA Board.
Ordination is granted only after an Applicant has been granted full Ministry Accreditation with Churches of Christ in WA.
It is desirous that Candidates for Ordination will have:
- Completed an approved course of theological study and ministry formation.
- Completed at least two years supervised ministerial experience.
- Successfully completed a formal process of ministerial assessment in which their call, giftedness and readiness for
ministry is affirmed by representatives of the wider church. (In particular this process should address issues such
as: (i) personal and spiritual maturity, (ii) integration of theology and life-skills, (iii) interpersonal skills, and (iv) level
of self-awareness). - Accepted a call to minister in an approved ministry setting.
- Subscribed to an approved code of professional conduct.
Upon receipt of an application, the Executive Minister will meet with the Candidate with a view to making a
recommendation to the COCWA Board. Following COCWA Board approval, the Executive Minister will arrange for
the Certificate of Ordination to be presented at an Ordination Service that affirms the candidate as a Minister of
Churches of Christ in Australia.
National Council may issue a policy from time to time, which stipulates the process to be used in the assessment and
awarding of Ordination.