
A word from Bridgetown

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There is no prescribed age for believer’s baptism. The truth of this became evident at Bridgetown Church of Christ this year as two candidates were at opposite ends of the age spectrum. Ray’s decision to make a public declaration has come well into his golden years and he gave a powerful testimony to his family and friends who visited for the occasion. By contrast, Peta is on the threshold of her adult life and wishes to “nail her colours to the mast” at the outset. We join with the angels in celebration!

One of our Elders, Brad Williams, became aware that he had contracted Motor Neurone Disease some twelve months ago and we have watched his facilities gradually diminish since then. What has been remarkable has been the way he and his wife, Gemma, have walked this path. Their serenity throughout has been a wonderful witness to all who come into contact with them.

The church building at Bridgetown had a sagging ceiling, not an unusual problem with some ageing structures. The team from Mobile Mission Maintenance came to the rescue, staying in Bridgetown with various families for a week. They repaired the defective bits and went further by repairing window and door frames too. They added some fixed window awnings whilst they were at it as well! They freely gave of their time and the job was professionally done. We are very grateful for their practical ministry and their spiritual input over the week was an added bonus.

The Church has been active in the community in a number of ways. A room in the hall has become a community prayer centre where brothers and sisters from all Churches in the community come to cover 24 hours of prayer each week. In fact the demand for one hour slots has exceeded the supply so the prayer  initiative has been extended to 48 hours each week now. Members of Bridgetown Church of Christ share the lead supporting Chaplains in both the Primary and District High Schools in Bridgetown, Greenbushes and Boyup Brook. Facilities at the schools have been improved and the Chaplains are supported spiritually and financially through YouthCARE.