
A Vision that is Bearing Fruit

Eastlake Youth

For Eastlake Church, 2015 has been a year of on-boarding new staff and team leaders, and exciting  outreach opportunities. Our vision to grow in our love for God, our love for each other and reach the world is bearing fruit.

We welcomed on board Richard and Amy Brockbank as our Youth and Young adult pastors, Cheryl Ivey as our Children’s pastor, Dan and Anoushka Strange as our Creative Arts Pastors, and Natalie Milne as our Care Pastor. With this expansion has come exciting opportunities such as reaching into the Peel Health Campus with visitation and pastoral care, outreach youth opportunities, local school breakfast club, a Solo Mums pampering day and Alpha courses. We have also celebrated the baptism of 30 people so far this year.

We also enjoyed the ministry of Richard Blackaby at our Deeper Conference, Karen Wilson at our Hertime outreach evening, and Dave Hodgson at our Kingdom Investors breakfast.