Celebrating 125 Years On Mission
Churches of Christ in Western Australia
“Bro. Bates arrived in Perth on October 21, 1890, Proclamation Day of Self Government in the Colony. He immediately gathered the brethren together and on Sunday November 2 1890 a group of eleven disciples of whom three were Baptists, met together for the first time ‘to break bread in memory of our risen Lord.
“The first converts were Miss J.B. Myles and Mr R.G. Jennings who were baptised in the Swan River … The Daily News devoted a whole column to reporting this occasion and Bro. Bates’ riverside sermon on ‘The Baptism of Christ.’ A report from Bro. Bates in the Christian Pioneer of December 24, 1890 states:
‘Seldom, I think, has a missionary movement been made more opportunely than in the present instance nor with greater promise of permanent success. Seven weeks of labour have confirmed me in the belief that Perth will one day contain one of the largest churches in the Colonies … I am glad to report of the “novel ceremony” of baptising in the Swan River and of “the large crowd of spectators” (500 people) who witnessed it …'”
Gordon A Ewers: A Century of Worship and Witness 1890-1990
It was an absolute joy to share with the City Church of Christ in their new premises on Sunday 1st November to celebrate with them their 125th Anniversary and that of this Association of Churches. The occasion was made even more special through the ministry of Gordon Ewers, who at age 99 presided over the Lord’s Table with the evangelistic verve of a young man.
This coming weekend we look forward to two days of gathering together as we continue to follow in the footsteps of Bro. Bates and all who have served the Lord from the Churches of Christ family. We have a rich heritage to celebrate and a life-giving message in Jesus to proclaim.
We are Churches of Christ – On Mission.
To celebrate 125 years of Churches of Christ we are pleased to be able to make available Part 1 of Gordon Ewer’s book commissioned for the Churches of Christ in WA Centenary. We look forward to making additional chapters of the book available over the coming weeks. Download Part One here.