
Look for the Sign

Serpentine pic

These are the directions we give to family, friends and guest speakers when paying a visit to our little fellowship of Serpentine Church of Christ. The cross at the end of the building is visible from South west Highway Serpentine – no GPS or Google Maps required.

Our church enjoys a weekly Sunday morning service at 9.30am followed by a tasty morning tea and fellowship. A Toddler Jam program runs weekly, we have fortnightly Bible studies as well as some night services throughout the year. Just recently we enjoyed a movie night with the screening of the War Room, which included free popcorn, lollies and drinks. The movie was enjoyed by all who attended and proved an encouragement to many. We plan to make our free movie nights a regular occurrence.

Future events include The Biggest Morning Tea for the Cancer Council, Church Anniversary celebrations and of course our Christmas Carols on the lawn.

If you would like to join us or find out more about our fellowship. Please contact Cyril Squire 0447068622 or Tim Nelson 0437285170.